Arc de Triomphe, acrylic and charcoal on canvas, 12 x 12 inches
Every fall I take a break from my current project to paint a few doves in memory of my father. A lawyer and civil rights activist, Dad worked at the grassroots level to advance peaceful solutions to legal and social injustices of the time.
My mother fought similarly in her own multifaceted arena and continues to be a champion for many of the same issues plus several others. So I enjoy taking a little time each year to reflect on my upbringing and pay homage to the simple but remarkable values imparted to me and my four sisters.
Season of Peace 2017
Several new dove paintings will be exhibited at JRB Art at the Elms in Oklahoma City starting Friday, December 1, and continuing through the end of the month. Several others will be on display December 7 through the 23rd at Joseph Gierek Fine Art in Tulsa.
Christmas at the Elms
December 1 – 31 - JRB Art at the Elms
2810 N Walker Avenue • Oklahoma City, OK 73103
(405) 528-6336
Jingle and Mingle
December 7 – 23 - Joseph Gierek Fine Art
1342 East 11th Street • Tulsa, OK 74120
(918) 592-5432
Save the Date! • April 6, 2018
New abstract paintings
JRB Art at the Elms • Oklahoma City