View of my studio wall at the end of April, 2017.
Since January, I've taken a little time to regroup, developing new concepts and experimenting with different techniques. These little creative sojourns, both challenging and exciting, seem to be integral to artistic growth. Finally, as April came to a stormy close, I finished several new paintings, and a series was born. And, much like a bear coming out of hibernation, I'm hungry to paint more. Happy May!
Emergence (right), 40x40, mixed media on canvas
Before and After.
The painting of an abstract cocoon you see above on the left was "stuck" for several months before I reworked it to the version you see on the right. While I liked the transformational idea of a cocoon, I actually didn't intend to portray it literally. Try as I might, the cocoon shape kept surfacing. Finally, I rotated the painting, and the fresh perspective did wonders! In the course of about an hour, I punched up some areas and reconfigured others until the idea of transformation remained, but the cocoon shape was gone. Titled Emergence, this painting was exhibited in my State of Mind show at JRB last year and just sold this spring, high time to let her fly.
New mixed media paintings coming early 2018
JRB Art at the Elms
2810 N Walker Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73103
(405) 528-6336